Thursday, August 30, 2007

162nd Edition - 8/30/07

162 - number of games the Cubs must play in a regular season before they head to the playoffs.

  • I'm out
If you've stuck with me through the lazy times, thanks and I apologize. Once my schedule changed in the spring, this suddenly felt like work (that I wasn't getting paid for). With a wedding and honeymoon fast approaching, I'm not going to be making time for this blog. It's over for now.

If you were entertained in the slightest, thanks.

If the Cubs, Hawkeyes, Bears or Bulls with anything of extreme significance I will probably be writing about it here.

Here are some links to help you return to normalcy.

Most importantly, I'm still writing.
Stuff I Wrote: movie reviews and interviews

Bill Simmons: My favorite.
Jason Whitlock: My favorite controversial writer (was with ESPN, then AOL, and now FOX Sports).
The TMQ (Greg Easterbrook): The man does more research for a football column than anyone else.

Next Music Online: Wanting to listen to the best new singles? Here you go.

Pop Culture
Pop Candy: Hands down, the best pop culture blog I have ever come across, nothing else comes close.

Movie News
Dark Horizons - Seems to know everything about upcoming movies.
I Watch Stuff - It says it has the best movie news ever, but I consider it second.