162nd Edition - 8/30/07
162 - number of games the Cubs must play in a regular season before they head to the playoffs.
- I'm out
If you were entertained in the slightest, thanks.
If the Cubs, Hawkeyes, Bears or Bulls with anything of extreme significance I will probably be writing about it here.
Here are some links to help you return to normalcy.
Most importantly, I'm still writing.
Stuff I Wrote: movie reviews and interviews
Bill Simmons: My favorite.
Jason Whitlock: My favorite controversial writer (was with ESPN, then AOL, and now FOX Sports).
The TMQ (Greg Easterbrook): The man does more research for a football column than anyone else.
Next Music Online: Wanting to listen to the best new singles? Here you go.
Pop Culture
Pop Candy: Hands down, the best pop culture blog I have ever come across, nothing else comes close.
Movie News
Dark Horizons - Seems to know everything about upcoming movies.
I Watch Stuff - It says it has the best movie news ever, but I consider it second.