Wednesday, March 21, 2007

120th Edition - 3/21/07

120 - Age of Moses when he died. Really? REally?

  • Special Guest

This one is an oldie but goodie. Amazing that this was written seven years ago. At 30, you definitely hit that age where you assume everything took place about 2-4 years ago, then you find out it was closer to a decade. This is Minneapolis Kyle (my Twin's insider), and his first marathon. Tomorrow will be my friend John's version.


Kyle's marathon

Per a many request, I'm updating all on the marathon.

But, the details. Note to self, if course description ever says "relatively flat", be very very afraid.

So, John and I awake at 5:00 am to get food in the belly and to chug gatorade. We then spent the next hour trying to get rid of excess fluids and such so that jaunts behind buildings could be minimized during the race itself. Around 5 till 6 we called a taxi. At 6:15 we called the taxi again. I believe, "oh shit" were her words, as she realized that a cab was not on it's way. 45 minutes till race time at this point. We ordered that one along and called another cab company. The second cab company arrived around 6:20 and we jumped aboard.

"To Speedway Meadows" we instructed. He seemed vaguely familiar with that part of Golden Gate park. Going between what felt like about 100 mph through town, we arrived to the park area at 6:30 ish. no runners in site so we insisted he search a bit harder for Speedway Meadows. Mind you, the park is large. At this point, a healthy trip across San Fran has rung the meter to around $10. Around 20-25 minutes till racetime..

Spoke to police officer. Gave us coordinates of where Speedway meadowns was. We then followed a street some distance north of the park to 45th ave. No runners. Then backtracked to find another cop. Gave us the real directions. Problem being that park was closed because of the "race" that was going on, so getting through the park in a car was not possible. At this point, we were questioning if this "race" actually existed. 20 minutes till racetime.

Cabbie then experiments with a road that cuts through the park. It worked out, fortunately. We're in the area, but still see no runners. Cabbie inquires of race location from security guard. He says that we can run through the park to get there. Perfect, just what every about-to-be-marathoner needs just prior to race. Cab fare now double, and 15 minutes till racetime. We are now on foot.

Cutting through the park, mixing bursts of run with walk with stops to remove gatorade from the body. "Katie, get your ass up hear", I screamed (or, may I embellished that a bit). But, eventually, we spotted a herd of runners. We cut down a dirt path, and coincidentally bumped into John's family. About 6-8 minutes until race time and we were there. The gun went off a few minutes after 7:00.

Race details are short and to the point. About 2 miles in we hit a hill significantly larger than anything I'd run around here. Lots of downhill. Then a few miles later we hit another big hill, as large as the first. Then lots of downhill. The next 10 miles were uneventful, as we ran along the water, by the stadium and through some industrial parks. Portable toilets would have come in handy. Speaking for John and I, I think we both belt pretty good about ourselves at the half-way point.

A few miles later we hit the hill. Up it went, shortening the stride, I questioned how I'd perform after the hill. But, I got over it and continued on. That put a dent in the armor, but I was determined that it would not ruin me. Then, I turned the corner..........

Running down a long and steep hill I was trying to stride out a bit further in order to regain the form that I had sustained through the first 14-15 miles. I looked ahead to a hill larger than any hill I had seen before. "Surely", I pondered, "we are about to run up that hill".

After crawling up the hill, I knew the next ten miles would be the most painful I had ever run in my life. They were. Around mile 19, I saw what I believe to be the winner. He was passing the 25 mile mark. Discouraging to say the least. After the longest 2 mile stretch in my life, I made the u-turn on the coast and begin my descend back to the park. Another long hill to finish up on, and the race was over.

Monday I could barely walk. Tuesday was just not good if I'd sat for more than thirty minutes and today is painful, but bearable. A sports massage (thanks Susie) in the evening is hopefully going to cure my woes.

And while I vowed shortly after crossing the tape to never run another marathon again, I have to admit that the idea is slowly warming up to me,though definitely not anytime soon. But, if anyone knows of a good 5 or 10k, I'm in.


  • Stuff

*Adam Sandler hosted "The Late Show with David Letterman" since Dave was out with the flu. Sandler was due to be the main guest, but filled that role with Don Cheadle - Both are in the film "Reign Over Me," coming out on Friday.

*Ira Glass interview. If you don't know him from NPR ("This American Life"), he's got a new show based on the radio show, beginning on Showtime this week. click here to read

*Free Iced Coffee today at all Dunkin' Donuts.

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