Friday, April 13, 2007

135th Edition - 4/13/07

135 = (1+3+5)(1x3x5)

  • Blatant Self-Promotion
Movie Reviews
"Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters"
  • QOTD (Question of the Day)
Who would you be for 24 hours, and then you would go right back to being you?
My answer: Jay Leno - Because I think I could do a better job.

Give you answer down below in the comments section.
  • Bears: The Schedule
There is absolutely no point in predicting the 2007 record of the Chicago Bears. They are months away, haven't even drafted yet, and it seems pointless... With that said, I am convinced they are going 10-6 and winning their division. After starting the season 1-2, that's not bad.

Here is there full schedule:

In fact, that's another thing you could comment on down below (notice a theme).
  • Don Imus
I haven't spoken of this situation, mainly because the whole thing is annoying. Thankfully Jason Whitlock wrote about it this week, and once again remains one of the few sports columnists who speaks his mind with RATIONAL thought. click here to read

  • Stuff
*Kurt Vonnegut died. I highly recommend reading something by this man. Here are two suggestions - "Breakfast of Champions" and a short-story collection "Welcome to the Monkey House." Vonnegut had the rare ability to make the frivolous thought provoking.

*Steve Martin sang a serious song for Diane Keaton at her Gala Tribute. Unfortunately some of the audience thought it was a joke. watch here

*Shia LaBeouf is hosting SNL this weekend. My hunch - top three episodes of the season. With that said, if there is a sketch or monologue about Joe Smith being his real name and Shia being a stage name ... that's me. If he does a sketch with the Noonies (the annoying neighbors who are insanely odd) and turned the tables of them ... that's me. If he does a sketch where he raps and has a jewish posse ... that' me. So we'll just have to see if any of my ideas made it.

*Monkey Kick Off - click to play - My personal best is 3030 (after 5 kicks)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

134th Edition - 4/11/07

134 -
*In 134 A.D. a university opened teaching rhetoric, law and philosophy in Rome, called the Athenaeum.
*The World's tallest thermometer is 134 feet in height and it is located in Baker, California.

  • The Weekly Bull (47-32)

The Bulls smacked the Knicks around (98-69) and it was over after the 1st quarter (21-10). They helped themselves in many, many ways. First, the Bulls remain the #2 seed for the playoffs. They have three games remaining, and if they win out, they clinch the #2. The Cavs have 4 games remaining (3 home) and the Raptors still have a chance.

Also, with the loss, the Knicks are most-likely out of the playoffs, which means the Kevin Durant era is about to begin in Chicago ... or perhaps another lottery pick, if the Bulls don't get the overall #1 pick. Yes, since the Knicks don't make the playoffs, the Bulls get their 1st round draft pick. Eddy Curry, thanks again.

Remaining games: Friday = Bobcats, Sunday = @ Wizards, Thursday = @ Nets

  • Quick Hits ... Moneny and Fame

*Most people wouldn't think Kevin Durant turning pro after one year, and Pacman Jones getting suspended for an entire year from the NFL, aren't related. I think it's the same ballpark. It's still the same ballpark if Durant never for one second does anything wrong. It's all about the money. Durant should go pro, the money being talked about is huge and Durant has been looked upon to be the financial provider for his family. Try to think about yourself at the age of 18-20, and think what you would do with millions. I would go insanely overboard, and I wouldn't have any family or friend depending on me for money (but I'm sure they would want some). Our system is broken and Jason Whitlock helped me see that a little better.

*Money is currently not buying wins for the Cubs (3-5). But luckily, no one in the Central is winning (4-4 is the best record). Once the weather changes the Cubs will hit more home runs.

*Speaking of the weather ... it's snowing sideways in Chicago. I assume the Cubs will be getting the day off.

  • Stuff

Noah Baumbach ("Kicking and Screaming") has a short film on YouTube.

part 2

part 3

Monday, April 09, 2007

133rd Edition - 4/09/07

133 - I don't know why you would want it, but here's the inside scoop on Tacoma, Washington.

  • The Masters: A tradition ... ah, you know the drill

Everyone say hi to Zach Johnson. Zach, say hi to the world. Johnson is a native of Iowa and since I'm from Iowa I have known about this guy for years ... yeah, right. No one knew Johnson could win, not his parents, not his coach, and if he had a choice, the smart money would have been on Tiger Woods coming back to beat him. But the course beat everyone except for Johnson.

Johnson was born in Iowa City and is currently living in Cedar Rapids. This is his second win ever in his nine year career. In 2007, his best finishes were 9th and 14th before his Masters' win. His final round of -3 tied for the lowest of the day and he finished at +1.

Sunday offered some good golf, especially considering Saturday, where a 7-foot putt had no chance of going in.

  • Cubs: SO good, then back to average

Rich Hill and Carlos Zambrano pitched back-to-back gems, with Hill having a perfect game through five innings. Then Wade Miller came along and messed up the possibility of the sweep against the Brewers.

But more importantly ... I am going to opening day. The pitching match-up is Woody Williams vs Ted Lilly (currently a Cy Young contender, but then again, aren't we all). More importantly, the high today is 40 degrees. I already saw snow this morning. I have two pairs of pants, two pairs of gloves, two pairs of socks, a hat and hand warmers ready to go. I will not be cold.

  • Stuff

*Want to find an R2D2 mailbox? Here is a map of the current locations. click here

*Premiere has the 20 coolest cameos in movie history. But they forgot to list Samuel L. Jackson in "Out of Sight." click here - any other cameos they missed?